The Christian Witness
The Morning MUG
Cup of Salvation
Afternoon MUG
Music on the Menu
Word for the Week
The Light Show
Moody Presents
This Sunday Morning
The Friendship Circle
The Living Bible with JD Varner
Daria is the President of The Christian Witness, Inc. Doug is the engineer who built WMUG-FM and now serves as our station engineer. |
Additional Information: Jesus Christ IS God, no matter how you define
"IS." Was and will be are taken too. He
is the Alpha and Omega...THE Beginning and THE End....
What must I do to be saved eternally?
BELIEVE upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ...The Father has made it clear
to honor the Son, and in that you have done whatever you have done to the
least of these, you have done unto Me...He , Jesus, is God who came
to earth as a Man...setting aside His diety and yet being filled with that
which comes from the father...as He said, "whatever you see me do, or
hear me say...comes from the Father...There are many views on what must be
done to be saved...or must continually be done...If you call yourself a Christian,
I encourage you to seek God through the Holy Spirit and to put on ,
as to say. LEARN Christ... in this matter..Simply put there is one requirement
to eternal salvation...BELIEF in Jesus the Christ as being the Son of God,
God, on earth as a man, who was born, did die, was raised again after three
days, and after 40 days on earth, ascended into heaven to be seated at the
highest position of honor (the right) of God the Father...He is absolutely
the Saviour of the World to all those who believe. PERIOD
There is more...there is a second salvation that does require something from
us...and to the best that we will approach...that we will "walk in the
Spirit...we are saved from many troubles and watched out for by the Lord God
and His angels...being protected, and kept from stumbling...this is Belief/Faith
in action...This is where the Fruit of the Spirit comes from...our actual
live/living relationship with the Spirit of God...The consummation of the
Spiritual Relationship with God.
By the way...stop looking for perfect...there is only one who was Perfect...and
He came to die in our place so that we could have this life...Glimpses of
Perfection you may see and that is when I (you) get ourselves out of the way
and let the Light of Christ shine through.
Essentially the sin problem was in place (rejecting the Light, Loving
darkness over the Light,) before anyone reading this was born. You and
I did not choose for there to be sin in the world, never-the-less, we all
have the sin nature and no hope without Jesus Christ. At the same time...We
My exhortation: Get on with your life...no matter what YOU think...lay hold
of that which has been given to you. You DO NOT KNOW which day is your
last day!
Doug Varner, OB GPS PMA
Station Engineer